FDIC Community Bankers Workshop
Hyatt Regency Newport Beach
1107 Jamboree RoadNewport Beach, CA 92660
United States
Event Details
The FDIC’s San Francisco Region (Region) is pleased to announce the 2024/2025 Community Bankers Workshop events hosted by the various State Trade Associations in the Region. The 2024/2025 Community Bankers Workshop is an interactive seminar designed to help bank executive and mid-level officers, both new and experienced, stay abreast of the ever-changing business, economic, and regulatory environment. Workshop sessions will include interactive conversations and presentations by seasoned FDIC risk management and compliance field examiners and supervisors.
This year, the workshop will emphasize interest rate risk, liquidity, fair lending, and commercial real estate lending given the current economic environment. The workshop will also include a local economic update presented by the FDIC’s Division of Insurance and Research, as well as a Q&A session with a panel of regulators. Below, you will find a description of sessions that we will hold throughout the Region.
- Asset Quality: This session will cover current asset quality trends, including key industry ratios and lending products that are starting to show weaknesses. We will also discuss concentrations risk management, specifically related to commercial real estate credits. The session will also cover the Interagency Policy Statement on Prudent Commercial Real Estate Loan Accommodations and Workouts issued in July 2023, as well as the implementation of CECL. Target Audience: Directors, Executive Management, Senior Credit Officers.
- Fair Lending: Consumer Protection and Compliance. This session provides and overview of fair lending and the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), including highlights for both. The session will also include discussions regarding appraisal bias/discrimination, redlining, and adverse action notices. Target Audience: Directors, Compliance Officers
- Interest Rate Risk: The March 2023 bank failures highlighted the importance of managing interest rate risk. This session will cover the lessons learned from the March 2023 events, current interest rate trends, and potential risks in a fluctuating rate environment. We will also review risk management best practices, including risk limits and controls, risk measurement and monitoring, strategies. The final portion of the session will include a tabletop exercise where you will rate the sensitivity to market risk component based on the facts presented. Target Audience: Directors, Executive Management, Senior Financial Officers
- Liquidity: The importance of liquidity has been brought to the forefront again. This session will discuss the post-pandemic impact on liquidity and current liquidity trends. This session will also cover risk management best practices based on lessons learned from the March 2023 banking crisis, including risk limits, controls, measurement, and monitoring, as well as key concepts to consider for the contingency funding plan. All concepts will be reinforced with a tabletop exercise where you will rate the liquidity component based on various factors presented. Target Audience: Directors, Executive Management, Senior Financial Officers.
Directors, Executive Management, Senior Credit & Financial Officers and Compliance Officers
7:30 Buffet Breakfast & Registration (Terrace Promenade)
8:30 Opening Remarks (CCBN & FDIC) (Terrace Room)
8:45 Panel Discussion and Listening Session
- FDIC Risk Management Representative
- FDIC Consumer Protection Representative
- State Representative
9:45 Economic Conditions Presentation
10:30 Break
10:45 Unprecedented / Unearthed Risks
11:00 Sensitivity to Market Risk
12:00 Buffet Lunch (Terrace Promenade)
1:00 Liquidity
2:00 Break
2:15 Breakout Sessions (Terrace Room & Ocean Room)
- Fair Lending and Other Compliance Hot Topics (DCP breakout)
- Asset Quality
3:15 Adjournment
The Hyatt Regency Newport Beach
The Hyatt Regency Newport Beach, a resort-style hotel adjacent to the Upper Newport Bay Ecological Reserve, is nestled among 26 acres featuring hundreds of palms and succulents. Renowned locally as “The Newporter,” as Hyatt Regency Newport Beach was previously named, the hotel's team has been creating memories for over five decades for guests and locals alike.
CCBN has secured a room rate of $209 + $10 resort fee at the
Hyatt Regency Newport Beach. Click here to reserve your room. Cutoff to make reservations is August 21.
For More Information:

REGISTRATION (includes electronic materials)
Must Be Logged in To Receive Member Pricing
Regular Registration through August 21
CCBN Member Bank: $595
Non-Member Bank: $595
Late Registration after August 21
CCBN Member Bank: $695
Non-Member Bank: $695
6 CPE Credits
Program Level: Intermediate
Prerequisites: None
Delivery Method: Group Live
Field of Study: Finance; Specialized Knowledge.
Cancellation and Complaint Resolution Policy
Substitutions are allowed, at no additional cost. Written notice is required for all cancellations. The full registration fee will be refunded if the written request is received up to 4 weeks before the event and 50 percent if received 2 weeks before the event. No refunds will be granted within two weeks of the event. For more information regarding refund, complaint, and/or program cancellation policies contact our offices at 800-627-6613.
California Community Banking Network is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org